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  • Programs for Windows

    INTEGERS   Calculations with integer numbers

    RATMATH  Maths of intgers, fractions and rational polynomials

    FormAlg  User algebraic formulas

    SUCSER  Calculation of the N term of successions and series

    CALCMATR   Calculations with matrices (of integer or fractional elements)

    COMBI  Combinatorial calculations

    PRGRNS   Calculations with progressions -  Commercial interest     V. 2.0

    PLineal   Linear programming with 2variables Z= f(x,y)

    SimpleCmplx   Elementary calculations with complex numbers

àlcus combinatoris: variacions,


JAR  files

Runnables with the Java virtual machine in any plattform

EQ12  LLinear and quadratic equations resolution

Cmbin  Combinatorial calculationsC

CMatr  Matrices calculations and Linear equations sytems













   INTEGERS   Calculations with integers                                                           

  * Factorial decomposition of an integer
  * Factorial of an integer (N!)  
  * Expression of an integer in different bases  
  * MCD and MCM of an integer
  * Algebraic operations and and/or

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   RATMATH   Maths of rational numbers                                                                                 

  * Integers: Power, factorization, factorial, expression in any basis, operations
  * Fractions: Simplify, binary and combined operations 
  * Polynomials of rational coefficients 

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   FormAlg         User algebraic formulas                                                                           

      Introduce, edit and compute your formulas with algebraic operators (+ - * / ^!) and      up   to 4 variables. You can save and and recover them, as well as to generate charts of      values

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   SUCSER      Calculation of the N term of successions and series                                              

 Entering the expression of the succession one can make vary n to obtain the values of
    an, SN and Pn.
  It can be used to check if the general term goes approaching to the supposed  limit


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CALCMATR     Matrices  of integer/ fractional elements                                          

  Matrixes of integers and/or fractions up to 4 rows x 5 columns  
  * Obtain all the parameters and operations with one matrix  
  * Operations between matrixes

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 COMBI    V1.5     Combinatorial                                                                                                            

  • Variations (ordinaires and with repetition)
  • Permutations (ordinaires and with repetition)
  • Combinations (ordinaires and with repetition)
  • Newton binomial coefficients  

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 PRGRNS     V2.0  Calculations with progressions -  Commercial interest                                          

  • Obtain an and Sn in aritmetic and geometric progressions
  • Interpolate n terms in aritmetic and geometric progressions
  • Simple and compound interest
  • Capitalization and paying-off annuities

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 PLineal        Linear programming with 2variables Z= f(x,y)                                              

  • It obtains the feasible region from the constraints entered by the user, finds the
  • vertexes and calculates the maximum and/or minimun of the objective function
  •  Z=f(x,y), also entered by the user
  • Graph of the region

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 SimpleCmplex  V2.0   Calculations with complex numbers                                            

  • Unary operations : raising to a power and roots and roots
  • Binary operations: addition, subtraction, product and division
  • Combined operations with various complex numbers
  • Graphics

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                    JAR   programs  (runnable with Java virtual machine)

 EQ12      Linear and quadratic equations


  • Linear equation: resolution  by steps and verification, Quadratic equation: roots anf factorization.

 Cmbin      Combinatorial calculations


  • Variations, combinations, permutations, ordinaires and with repetition.

 CMatr      Calculations with matrices and linear equations systems


  • Operations on 1 matrix: rang, determinant (if square), traspose, inverse, adjuncts, Gauss and Gauss Jordan transformations
  • Operations with 2 or more matrices: sum,  multiplication, raise to a power,,,
  • Linear equation systems up to 4 equations and 4 unknowns: classification and resolution


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