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DirTree    Tree structure of subfolders and files of a folder

CRONO     chronometer  hh:mm:ss

AGNDANYS   litle schedule by years

MAGENDA  schedule runnable at the computer start

FRMTXT working with plain text

Emergency Keyboard using the mouse

Domino!        Classic Dominoes game    



   CRONO    chronometer  (hh:mm:ss)                                         

  Of course, to know time you spend in the computer tasks you can to look  to the clock, before and after the task and then rest them...     Or you can use CRONO



  AgndAnys     litle schedule by years                                

 For events at long time (years and months)

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  Magenda   schedule, runnable at the computer start                

  Personal schedule with various listing options and that, optionally, can be auto-runned  at the computer start to show (if they are) the annotations for today and next day


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  FrmTxt    working with plain text       V1.5                            

Convert text to lowercase/uppercase letters ..., símbols. Insert, remove empty lines. Extract lines with certain fragment. Add, remove... fragments into lines.Swap words, invert strings....Intercalate lines from two texts. Count characters, lines.

And so on...

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  Emergency Keyboard   using the mouse                       

  This app let us to write little texts with the mouse to get on in the (rare, it's true) cases in which we can't use the keyboard  (of course, if we can use the mouse)

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  Domino!       Classic Dominoes game               V1.5                                                              

From 2 to 4 players.     Two levels of difficulty

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  DirTree    Tree structure of a folder                                                                                   

 Visualization an access to all files and folders of a directory in a tree view

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